Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Animation Treasure Hunt for GOLDEN NUGGETS!!! crazy stuff

This morning we went on an adventure to the wondrous place called a 'Library', it was full of joy and joyness :P Before we left, Franky Frank gave us a list of things to find on our treasure hunt adventure.
If you have been watching the Oscars then you would've seen the winner of this years best animated short film 'The Lost Thing'. The resources available at the library are a few of his other children books that he did: 'The Bird King' and 'The Animal'. The Library offers a wide range of Magazines about animated films released. These are stored in the Level 2 of the building. I flipped through one of the magazines and it was very interesting :D
The library offers many helpful resources such as copyright information that you can search up on their website. Copyright affects us ALL!!

The book that two of the '9 old men' Frank Thomas and Olie Johnson, the title oif the book is 'The Illusion of Life' located on level 3.
Another helpful book that we found on our adventure was Richard Williams 'Animaton Survival Kit' found on the same level as 'The Illusion of Life'. There is also a DVD version of the book that you can rent out.
When Franky Frank went to Paris in 2009 he brought back magical gifts and stores them in the wondrous Library. The magical gifts that Franky Frank brought back were a 2 DVD set of animation and class exercises.

The wonderful libary also supplies Miyazaki films such as ; Nausicaa of the valley of the wind, Kikki's delviery service, Spirited Away, Howl's movie Castle, Porco Rosso and Laputa Castle in the Sky.

What I've learnt from this treasure hunt is that the Library supplies a lot of useful resources that can help me gather creative research and ideas for future assessments.


  1. I wonderous adventure by adventurer Aym. The resource that I brought back from Paris was not the whole chamber of commerce but a two DVD set of animation and class exercises from the prestigious Gobelins school. It has some fantastic animation on it and 'making of' ruff work for the student films. No other animation library in Australia has this resource.

    Great reporting.

  2. Hi Aym, Glad you enjoyed the hunt, true copyright does effect us all (sadly usually more for the worse than the better :(

    -the librarian-
