Sunday, February 13, 2011


When watching 'The Incredibles' did you sense a feeling of deja vu when you see the two old men commenting on the final fight. Well it's possibly because they were fetured in another animated movie 'The Iron Giant' directed by Brad bird. Brad Bird wanted to honour both Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnson who were both cameoes in the two animated movies. They were his idols and mentors when he joined Disney.

In 'The Incredibles' they are seen talking to each other...
Frank: Hey you see that
Ollie: Yer
Frank: Thats the way to do it, that's old school
Ollie: Yeah, old school like the old school

Being one of the elite 'Nine Old Men' from Disney, Frank worked along with many animated flilms, such as the animated sequence in 'Lady in the Tramp'. The link below will lead you to the scene that Frank drew for Lady and the Tramp':

Here's Frank and Ollie talking about animation process in 'The illusion of Life'

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